詳 細

  • カザフスタンの飢餓(ホロドモール) キルギスタンへのカザフ人避難民 1932~1933年

    Ашаршылык в Казахстане. Казахские беженцы в Кыргызстане 1932-1933 гг. Сборник документов и материалов.

    Бишкек, 314 c. pap.

    2023 年   ISBN  9789967943353   R252317

    The documents of this collection of documents and materials, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of this tragic Famine- Holodomor in Kazakhstan in 1932-1933, tell about the plight of starving Kazakhs from their homelands and the help they received in ...

    価格(税込み)    \18,480