詳 細

  • 1978年 - グルジア(ジョージア)語の地位をめぐる闘争 (英語)

    1978 ? The struggle for the status of the Georgian language. In English.

    Тбилиси, Artanuji 232 c. pap.

    2023 年   ISBN  9789941504679   R256037

    In 1978, it had been a long time since Georgia lost its independence, and Soviet Russia tried new methods in the conquered country to destroy everything that defined the nation’s identity. In 1978, it was the turn of the Georgian language. During the adoption of the new constitution, the article that granted Georgian the status of the official language was removed. Constitutions had been updated before, but the status of the Georgian language, which was defined at the legislative level for the first time in 1921 by the first constitution of the independent Republic of Georgia, never changed. Never, until 1978…

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