詳 細

  • 母語の声と音 (ウクライナ語)

    Голос I звуки рiдно? мови.

    Сербенська О.
    Льв?в, <Апр?ор?> 280 c. hard

    2020 年   ISBN  9786176296232   R204864

    The book "Voice and Sounds of the Native Language" contains material that deepens knowledge of phonetics and phonology, expands the horizons of vision of the nature of our oral speech. Information about such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon as the human voice is given. The importance of important elements of communication related to the concepts of listening - hearing - silence is revealed. Overcoming the stereotypical notion of sound, the author seeks to show a modern understanding of this phenomenon; draws attention to the phenomenon of sound symbolism, which for decades has been ignored as a branch of the science of language. Considerable attention is paid to the main parameters of such a characteristic feature of the Ukrainian language as melodiousness, as well as to the little-known to our educated public facts related to the history of our Old Slavonic alphabet - Cyrillic.

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