詳 細

  • アール・ヌーヴォーの岐路で 1900~1930年のウクライナ・カラーリストの実践におけるジャポニズムのインスピレーション (ウクライナ語)

    На перехрест? модерну: ?нсп?рац?? япон?зму у практиц? укра?нських колорист?в 1900-1930 рок?в.

    Павельчук I.А.
    Киiв, Киево-Могилянська академiя 224 c. hard

    2020 年   ISBN  9789665187714   R199265

    This book examines the process of adaptation of Japaneseism in the practice of Ukrainian colorists of the new wave: O. Murashko, O. Novakivsky, I. Severin, M. Burachek, F. Krychevsky. While studying in European art institutions, the spokesmen of Ukrainian culture casually became recipients of the Art Nouveau style. Familiarity with Japaneseism, Impressionism, Symbolism and Post-Impressionism allowed Ukrainian colorists to comprehend an irrational and subjective view of creativity that was unusual for them. The fundamental anti-academic tendencies of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, which were formed in the art of art nouveau as a result of the crisis of positivism, turned out to be worldview "crossroads" in their work. The process of adaptation to the formal foundations of Japaneseism took place against the background of the general adaptation to the newly introduced visual standards of Art Nouveau. This experience was a turning point in the work of these colorists, being a transitional phase from monochrome naturalism to chromatic formalism. The study introduces into scientific circulation significant factual material collected against the background of international socio-humanitarian discourse at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

    価格(税込み)    \7,920