詳 細

  • ベラルーシ標準語の歴史 教科書 (ベラルーシ語)

    Гiсторыя беларускай лiтаратурнай мовы . Вучэбны дапаможнiк.

    Леванцэвiч А.В.
    Мiнск, <РIВШ> 192 c. pap.

    2020 年   ISBN  9789855863299   R204861

    The publication contains lectures on the history of the Belarusian literary language, explains the complex processes of development and formation of the Belarusian literary language. The main focus is on a comprehensive analysis of the language of literary and written sources, different in time, place of origin and genre characteristics.

    価格(税込み)    \8,030