詳 細

  • キジ島の救世主顕栄大聖堂(スパソ・プレオブラジェーンスカヤ教会)の修復(英文)

    Restoration of the Church of the Transfiguration on Kizhi Island / authors: M. Kisternaya, I. Gashkov, I. Melnikov, T. Nezvitskaya; general editorship by I. Melnikov.

    Petrozavodsk, Northern Piligrim 157 c. hard

    2020 年   ISBN  9785944314123   R205425

    The Church of the Transfiguration (1714) is one of the most famous monuments of wooden architecture not only within Russia, but also internationally. As part of the Kizhi Architectural Ensemble, it earned its rightful place in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990. Built on the adge of the possible, the 22-domed church combines the art of carpentry, engineering, and architecturial genius, embodying the building culture and folk aesthetics of North Russia

    価格(税込み)    \8,360