詳 細

  • 修復か、改革か、革命か ロシア・ウクライナ紛争後の世界秩序のシナリオ(英語)

    Restoration, reformation, revolution? Scenarios of world order after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict .

    Kortunov A.
    М., Российский совет по международным делам 32 c. pap.

    2022 年   ISBN  9785604630983   R235845

    The Russian-Ukrainian conflict will lead to long-term global socio-economic and political consequences in the foreseeable future. Russian and foreign experts are currently exploring a wide range of scenarios for such transformation?from relatively positive to extremely negative. The author formulated three potentially possible options for the current world order transformation, assessing the probability and consequences of the practical implementation each of them.

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