詳 細

  • トルコの図書館にあるイブン・スィーナー(980-1037)作品の写本(ウズベク・英・露語) 

    Рукописи произведений Абу Али Ибн Сины в библиотеках Турции. XXXVIII. На узбек., англ. и рус. яз. (Культурное наследие Узбекистана в собраниях мира, XXXVIII)

    Ташкент, Zamon press info c. hard

    2022 年   ISBN  9789943749917   R243530

    The book-album prepared by a team of Uzbek and Turkish scholars consists of two parts. The first is devoted to the life and scientific activities of the great philosopher and physician Abu Ali ibn Sina. The second part presents the manuscripts of ...

    価格(税込み)    \51,260