詳 細

  • トパラー(1958-2018) 亡命生活あれこれ(米国、カナダ、イスラエルのジャーナリズムとTVで活躍したロシア語話者の著者の文集)

    Страсти по эмиграции.

    Топаллер В.
    New York, Liberty Publishing House 267 c.

    2022 年   ISBN  9781628042092   R245668

    This monograph iis a collection of works by Victor Topaller (July 13, 1958, Moscow, USSR - January 10, 2018, New York, USA), an Israeli-American Russian-speaking journalist, director, screenwriter, television and radio host. Topaller was a regular contributor to dozens of weekly American, Canadian and Israeli publications. While living in Israel, he was the creator of the well-known newspaper "Russian Israeli". During his career, he has taken more than 2,000 interviews and created 15 different popular TV and radio programs on Russian-language channels, both in Israel and in America, becoming the "Voice" of the Russian emigration.

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