詳 細

  • リチャード・カルツ(1867-1945) カザフ人とトルクメン人の間で(1903年、1909年マンギスタウ半島にて)(独語から露訳) 

    Среди казахов и туркмен (на Мангышлаке) / Перевод с немецкого.

    Карутц Р.
    Алматы, AmalBooks 208 c. hard

    2023 年   ISBN  9786010691766   R249987

    Richard Karutz is a German ethnographer who made expeditions to Mangystau in 1903 and 1909. Initially, the scientist wanted to study the Turkmen. But, having arrived in this region, he discovered that the majority of its population is Kazakhs, who ...

    価格(税込み)    \11,000