詳 細

  • 1920~1940年エカテリンブルク建築ガイド 地図 (英語版) 

    Путеводитель по архитектуре Екатеринбурга 1920-1940. Карта. (английская версия).

    Кубенский Э.
    Екатеринбург, <Татлин> 1 c. pap.

    2017 年   ISBN  9785000751343   R254536

    The architecture guide serves to recreate the reality of Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) in the 1920?1940’s, which is the formative period of the constructivism landmarks. This publication presents 8 walking routes (each ~5 km-long) that comprise 124 sites and 3 additional directions. Each site has a corresponding photo mark on the back of the map, and for each there is a name, address and route’s site number listed. The guidebook includes an introductory article by historians of architecture.

    価格(税込み)    \3,630