詳 細

  • 18世紀満州語辞典の語彙の研究(モンゴル語)

    XVIII зууны ?еийн манж толь бичг??дийн ?гийн сангийн судалгаа. In Mongolian.

    М?нхцэцэг Э.
    Улаанбаатар, <Соёмбо принтинг> 292 c. hard

    2022 年   ISBN  9789919275358   R255072

    Monograph. This book is a study of 18th century Manchu dictionaries and the lexical items contained therein. The goal was to trace the development of their compilation, namely the editorial work on the head words and their allocation in different ...

    価格(税込み)    \11,770